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Writer's pictureeditor@Kamal Kar

Unveiling a Strategic Threat: Protecting the Future of Islam

Analysing the Plot to Erode Islamic Influence in Generations

Guarding Religious Legacy in the Face of Covert Societal Challenges"

In an endeavour to explore potential threats to the social and community influence of Muslims, a Canadian national teaching abroad reflects on a disturbing revelation. Following a conference on Islam, a conversation among professors revealed a strategic plan to sway individuals of superior intellect towards secular careers. The enticing prospect of a prosperous life, coupled with the attraction of well-paying jobs, is intended to lure these individuals away from their religious commitments. The long-term goal, as articulated, is to gradually erode Islamic adherence in subsequent generations, steering them towards a more liberal interpretation of the faith.

This revelation struck a chord with the narrator, prompting a personal reflection on the accuracy of the professor's predictions. Analysing the behaviour of his own children, he lamented the evident prioritization of worldly success over religious values. Regretfully acknowledging his inability to instill the light of religion and shield his children from the pervasive influence of secularism, the narrator contemplates a return to his homeland, recognising that as Canadian citizens, his children are no longer under his protective influence.

The professor's words are seen not merely as rhetoric but as a well-thought-out strategy to undermine Islam and diminish its societal influence. The shift in the perception of private versus government schools is highlighted, indicating a deliberate effort to shape a generation of individuals more aligned with foreign ideologies. The necessity of providing higher education based on merit is acknowledged, but there's a plea to ensure that incorrect beliefs do not infiltrate the minds of the youth. The educational system is criticised for perpetuating a mindset of subservience to certain groups while neglecting the development of Muslims with a strong sense of self, sanctity, love, and faith.

The narrative concludes with a poignant reflection on the collective aspirations of the Muslim community, expressing a desire for Islamic values not as a hindrance but as a guiding force in their lives. The discrepancy between advocating peace and responding to attacks on honour and dignity is highlighted, emphasising the need for a united front against external threats. The historical perspective underscores a consistent pattern of leaders harbouring animosity towards Islam, with many scholars and supposed lovers of the faith aligning themselves with these figures, contributing to the nation's present state of humiliation.

Referencing Islamic history, the importance of guarding honour, following the laws of Islam, and upholding the values established at the end of Prophethood is emphasised as a key to success.

The narrative concludes with a somber acknowledgment of the challenging state of affairs and an expression of gratitude for shedding light on these critical issues.

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